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Oracle Workshop | Diane Farnsworth

Ancestral Oracle Healing Workshop

NOTE: scroll to bottom for booking

Greetings Spiritual Astronauts,

As a spiritual traveler steering through life on this beautiful planet, I’ve discovered that it’s a hell of a lot easier navigating through traffic with ancestral support as your trusty GPS. You know how comfortable and safe it feels to be part of a community?  Well, our ancestors are also our community…our invisible community. Their DNA is a part of who we are!

Okay, you may say “Sure Diane, easy to say, but how do I communicate with my dead ancestors?” 

Alright, alright, your ancestors may not bake you bread or send you birthday money, but there are miraculous ways they collaborate with you through the folks and animals around you.  Suddenly a neighbor drops off a loaf of bread, reminding you of Grandma’s sourdough bread you were just hankering. This collaboration works through even your grumpiest neighbor sometimes. I kid you not.

Have you ever told a story about an ancestor and soon after, an element of that story materialized? Maybe it was about Herb, your great uncle and his orange dog, Tangerine who you played with as a child… then out of nowhere an identical orange dog comes into your life!  Don’t you think your great uncle heard you and wanted to send love and comfort…the same feeling you’d received as a child rolling around with Tangerine?  Such belonging.  Such bliss.

When we work with our ancestors, asking for support or requesting a sign, we need to trust and allow them to perform their magic without getting in their damn way!  Many of us are self-sabotaging artists…we have made an art out of distrusting our instincts which is a real intuition-killer.  Trusting ourselves is not always easy when we have been carrying around beliefs that are not even ours.

Working creatively and open-heartedly is key in my experience.  And yes, sometimes our pesky shadow side is lurking around the corner, all ready to pounce when our guards are down, but we are human, right?  When our hearts are open and we chose to explore with a child’s curiosity, it’s much easier to catch our sneaky shadow side before it buries us…acknowledging it sure helps. And creating with it…or writing to it.

“Dear shadow side, I love you even if you’re a shit-head, now tell me what you need so I can carry on with my day, week… life. Thank you.” 

And that brings me to one of the reasons I’ve developed these ancestral healing workshops. To teach folks to heal the trauma they unconsciously carry for their ancestors.

In the last ten years, I have discovered that my own anxiety has stemmed from intergenerational trauma. I believe the ancestral trauma of abuse, poverty, and discrimination have deeply affected my family, contributing to addiction and mental health challenges in the lives of many of my family members.

Public Announcement: I doubt that our ancestors would want us to suffer from the trauma they experienced in their lives…they’d want us to be happy and healthy!

About 8 years ago, I had a client whose trauma didn’t make much sense to either of us because she was way too young to experience the kind of suffering that she was experiencing. Having read a few articles on ancestral trauma prior to working with her, I asked whether what she was feeling could be someone else’s trauma from her family, (inter-generational trauma), which alters how the gene functions, (epigenetic change).

It was confirmed when she told me about her grandmother who had been imprisoned in Russia during World War II.  Her discovery of carrying her grandma’s trauma was the beginning of her healing journey.

It is from witnessing my former client’s healing from a therapist’s perspective that catapulted me into researching this phenomenon; at that time Epigenetics was a new science so there were fewer articles available.  Over the last ten years, there have been countless cases of ancestral trauma for many folks from cultural communities who have suffered from colonization and genocide from their ancestors and continue to suffer from racism in their own lives on top of their inter-generational trauma.

(Dr Candice Jones on Inter-generational Trauma- Watch video on YouTube)

After studying with spiritual teacher and psychotherapist, Corin Grillo, I was inspired to develop a series of expressive arts – intuitive based workshops for ancestral communing and healing.  In 2023 I asked my niece, Jenny Craig, who is also an expressive arts therapist, to assist in facilitating in-person workshops.  These first ancestral communing workshops took place between October and November 2023 in Vancouver, BC.

Since facilitating the workshops in person, it became apparent that this series of online ancestral healing workshops were essential for all to access.

This workshop is both expressive arts based and intuitive arts based….even though they are one of the same. For me, both creating art and healing oneself are spiritual awakenings.

Through meditation, working with collage, channeling, writing, participating in exercises and rituals, you will gain a better understanding and relationship with your ancestors, which in turn, will strengthen a relationship with yourself.

The first online Ancestral Healing Oracle workshop was on August 31st, 2024, (reviews will be posted soon).

The next one is Saturday the 28th of September – 12:00 to 3:00

Sign up now to reserve your spot for the workshop. There are 6 spots available.


  • links for cool images for your oracle cards
  • links with other resources
  • exercises & rituals
  • YOUR creations to work with later
  • after workshop devotional prayers

The workshop cost is low at $44.00 US. Canadian folks please DM me.

All the bells, whistles and gizmos for registration are up.

I am so excited to share this work with you! It is both creative and sacred to me and to the folks so far who have participated in-person and online.

Love Diane ox