How Did I Get Here?

After a lifetime of witnessing magical occurrences, I knew it was time to invite my angels and guides into my busy schedule and admit who I really am, on a soul level.

“Get on with it!” they said.  

My helpers are getting pushy, but I don’t blame them…they’ve been very patient.

When I could no longer ignore all the signs, omens, dreams and late night visions, I gave in and found a good teacher, Corin Grillo and ‘got on with it.’  Corin Grillo, (Angel Alchemy Academy), was the perfect teacher for me; an authentic healer, licensed psychotherapist, author, speaker, and teacher with a big heart and a sense of humor that I related to immediately.

I never thought for a minute, I would call myself an angel healer…being an artist has proven difficult enough in my life. 

After spending 10 years working with clients as an art therapist, I realized it has been my intuition, not my intellect that has guided me through sessions.  The less I have planned, the more I have intuited the direction of a session… to the point, that my suggestions and questions have often been in sync with my clients’ thoughts. 

Two or three years into my practice, one of my long time clients said, “You’re downloading, aren’t you?”

It had not occurred to me that I was channeling until she called me on it.  You’d think I’d have noticed.

It got me thinking about my creative process as an artist and writer and how I’ve received my ideas.  Creative ideas and even full scripts have appeared in my dreams.  I have always channeled my art, why would it be any different as a therapist?

What has become quite clear to me is that when I work from my heart, without intellectualizing, possibility is born and my muse spreads her energetic wings and takes me through this dense physical reality with grace and ease.

I believe this applies to everyone. You are a magician of your own reality and can access your magic from your heart connection.   It may take brain-rewiring practice, meditation, nature, art, music, exercise, or whatever brings you joy and peace so you are able to stay in the present.  It is simple love that brings us back to the living…and remembering who we are in this world and what our purpose is.  Being here now in our bodies and not projecting into the future or dwelling on our past is not always an easy task.

My gig as a healer is to guide you back to your heart with the expertise of your guides, angels, and your higher self.  The truth is they do a lot of the work.  I’m just a decoder.

I have witnessed magic, whether I call the energies I’ve met creator, guides, angels, spirit animals or ancestors, or all the above… the fact is, they are a colorful bunch.  And they’re as real as anyone I’ve ever met in a physical body. 

This healing work with these beings has inspired me in all aspects of my life. 

I still deeply believe in art as medicine.  That is why my energy healing sessions sometimes include art.  

Art and therapy saved my life as well as others that I know.  I believe art and spiritual work are interconnected, much like the philosophy behind holistic medicine, where the approach combines a treatment for the whole person, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

 I also have very high regards for other alternative therapies as well, like EMDR and somatic therapy which have also proven beneficial for lots of folks suffering with PTSD. 

I believe in therapy as much as I believe in angels.  AND I stand by the importance of shadow work and so do my angels! 

The other day, I was thinking about how so many of us avoid our dark side…and I get it, I’ve done it.  Spiritual by-passing can be just as addictive as drinking or shopping…another shiny distraction.  

 Just as I thought this, a shadow hand-puppet of a rabbit flashed in my head with the words ‘pesky rabbit’.

 I howled.  

My spirit team have a good sense of humor.  They know I have struggled with my own assorted distractions!  I’m human.

Every damn morning, I secretly want to languish about eating chocolate and shopping on Etsy.  Sigh.

I continuously remind myself that my angelic team are not hired help.    

I’ve got a job to do.

Our top secret sensitivities and gifts are now required so that we can better heal ourselves and our beautiful planet.

In a session, I draw from my bag of tools that I used in my art therapy practice for 10 years…voice work, EFT, movement, (Qi Gong, dance), archetypal cards, meditation, visualization, creative writing, drawing, drama, and meditation.

 Let’s face it, our energy bodies get depleted and congested by stuck emotions, whether they are our own or other people’s! These tools assist with releasing what no longer serves us, so we can embody the beautiful geniuses that we are. 

 You ARE a beautiful genius!

And I look forward to working with you, 

Love, Diane ox